computer science
computer science

computer science in Bangladesh : Computer science is a branch of knowledge where the theoretical basis of information and calculations is studied and practical methods of performing those calculations are discussed in a device called a computer. Scientists doing computer science research are called informatics scientists.A computer scientist is studying computation theory and the application of software method designs.

Computer science is often referred to as a systematic study of the algorithmic method which creates, describes and alters information. There are many computer science in Bangladesh branches. The main purpose in some disciplines, such as computer graphics, is to calculate specific results.Again, in some branches, such as the computational complexity theory, the characteristics of various computational problems need to be analyzed.
computer science
Charles Babbage

There are also some branches where methods of implementing calculations are discussed in different physical systems; such programming language theory discusses how to express a computational method in computer language. To solve specific computational problems computer programmers use a variety of programming languages.The main objective of human-computer interaction, on the other hand, is to make computers and computational results usable, efficient and universally accessible to humans.

Ordinary people often equate computer science in Bangladesh with other computer-related careers (such as information technology), or believe it's their own computer-related experience, such as gaming, web surfing and word processing.But computer science 's main aim is to build programs that produce computer games, web browser-type applications, evaluate their functionality, and use the information gained from it to develop new programs better than now.

Algorithms and data organizations

computer science in Bangladesh
Ada Loveless

Using algorithms and data organisations, computer programs are created. A well-known book entitled Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs (1985), by renowned computer scientist Nicholas Virt. An algorithm is a precise, finite number of steps that, in a limited amount of time, solve a problem and use a limited amount of computer memory.The most widely used algorithms include the search, sorting of data, multiplication of matrixes and other numerical operations. A data structure is a well-organized form of data which correlates between different data values. Lists, arrays, records, stacks, queues, trees and so on are some of the most frequently used data organisations.

computer science in Bangladesh : A lgorithms are an essential part of informatics. Which algorithm has been chosen and how it was implemented —- these two factors determine the performance of any real-world software system. So good design of the algorithm is the key to the success of the software.Research on algorithms also helps to understand the underlying nature of various problems, irrespective of programming language, genre, or hardware. One of computer science 's goals is to find out which algorithm is the most powerful and useful for a particular purpose, or whether any such algorithm exists at all.Therefore, the matter of measuring efficiency comes back in all sorts of algorithm discussions.

Theory of algorithms includes computational theory, computational complexity, data-based complexity, theory of coexistence, probability-based algorithm, ascending database theory and related database theory, random algorithm, algorithm, algorithm, algorithm,Algorithm, graph algorithm Cryptocurrency Other knowledge branches on which algorithm theory is based are isolated mathematics (including graph theory, repetitive functions, recurring relationships, cluster theory), calculus, ascending methods, functional logic, time-based logic, semantics, and semicine.

In case of complex algorithms and real empirical problems, experimental help is taken. The algorithms are assessed with a suite of test cases. Experiments were instrumental in determining the conduct of split-o-conquest algorithms, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, finite-state instrument interpreters, stack instrument interpreters, empirical search, and randomized algorithms.Insights into the efficiency of parallel and distributed algorithms could also be gained through testing.

Programming languages

Software engineers create programs designed to implement computer algorithms and data organizations. The artificial languages used to write these programs are known as programming languages. The human mouth's normal language is ambiguous and this language's word structure and semantics can be understood in many ways, so it isn't suitable for writing programs.Instead, the artificial programming language is simply and unambiguously resorted to. Computer scientists are attempting to invent programming languages which will make it easier to write programs and reduce the number of program errors.

Programming languages must be translated into the machine language, so that the computer can follow the program 's instructions.Computer scientists are trying to develop better translation algorithms so that programs that are translated into the machine language can be more efficiently executed.

Computer hardware was instructed in binary numerical machine language at the earliest stages of computational science. Then the first programming languages are called assembly languages which are created for convenience of work. These were not very unlike mechanical language. The users started writing more comfortable programming languages from the 1950s onwards.One such language was the Fortran language. 

In addition to mathematical operations Fortran allows programmers to write algebraic expressions. A simplified version of Fortran Basic was created in the 1960s, and as the first programming language for beginners to learn it gained widespread popularity in school-college.Around the time of Fortran 's invention, which was used to handle general business records , documents and other business processes, another language cobol was created.

Topics covered in the theory of programming languages include:
  • Data types, operations, operands, structures of control, expandable language techniques that can be used to create new types of data and operations.
  • Language of high standard for machine language translation, compiler, language processor.
  • Abstraction, syntax , semantics or semance, pragmatics or theory applied.
  • Grammar, formal languages, automated theory, lambda calculus, lambda calculus, predictive logic.
  • Regular expressions, Chomsky hierarchy, type theory
  • Fixed typing, type in
  • Function-based programming, programming methodology, programming relating to objects, reasoning, streaming of data.

Computer architecture

A device located in the heart of computer science called computer. Computer science would be a theoretical branch of maths without computers. Therefore computer scientists must have an idea of the different computer parts, their functions and interactions.If you have an idea about computer architecture, the structure of a program so that it can be executed quickly on a real machine. Computer architecture knowledge also comes in handy when selecting a computer for a job to understand the speed of the CPU clock, memory size, etc .

Architects of the computers design and analyze new computer systems. They are studying how to increase computer speed, storage capacity and reliability and how to cut costs and energy consumption. They took the hardware and software paradigm (model) help in this work.In many cases they work with computer hardware engineers to build new computers, since their architectural paradigms (models) depend largely on the computer's circuitry. Many computer architects design computers for specialized applications such as image processing, signal processing, etc., allowing for higher performance , lower cost or both.

Computer-architecture topics discussed include:
  • Digital Logic: Logic Gate, Boolean Algebra, Flip Flop, Counter, Register, PLA, Logic Expression, Minimization, Quotient, Register Transfer Scripting, Gate Delay, Fan-in, Fan-Out.
  • Mechanical presentation of the data: representation of bits, bytes, words, numbers (binary, octal, hexadecimal) and base, fixed point, floating point, marked representation, complementary representation of 2, character code, graphic data, record, array.
  • Assembly level: from Neumann Instrument, Control Unit, Instruction Installation, Disinfection and Running, Assembly Language Programming, Instruction Format, Addressing Mode, Subroutine Call and Return, Input-Output, Interrupt
  • Memory: Storage system, computer memory, coding theory, data compression, accuracy, stratification of memory, delay, cycle time, bandwidth, interleaving, memory cache, virtual memory.
  • Risk, Sisk, error identifier and code for correction, computer-aided design.
  • Multiprocessor pipeline.
Operating system

An operating system is a set of specialized programs or software devoted to a computer's overall management. The operating system provides a user-hardware interface, helps to place other application programs in the computer's memory, oversees how the computer runs applications, and helps manage various computer resources, such as disk space. ,Protects computers from unauthorized use, and ensures data stored is secure. Operating systems and their abstractions have become more complex in recent years than software with general applications.

Computer scientists are trying to figure out how to make operating systems more user-friendly, how to share sensitive data and how to use computer memory and time more effectively.

Computer network

When multiple computers are connected a computer network is formed. Computer scientists are studying various protocols for how computers on a network communicate with each other and exchange information. They took a great deal of theoretical and practical help in this regard from the fields of telecommunications , information technology and hardware engineering.LAN, WAN, wireless network —- are more common in these three types of networks. The Internet constitutes the world's largest computer network.

Computer scientists are looking into the evolution of older networks and the Internet. They gain knowledge about how different network applications like email, telnet, FTP, newsgroup, web browser, instant messaging and so on work. They get a thorough understanding of network architecture's hierarchical structure and the various network standards.They are also conscious of the usefulness, future opportunities and limitations of modern emerging network technologies.

Software engineering

Software science discusses how to build software systems that meet the needs of users and buyers in an efficient and effective way. Software engineers are researching methods and techniques to create programs that are accurate, reliable , and easy to break.It covers all life cycle phases of the software, such as-laws, problem design, solution design , program implementation, program error testing, and program maintenance. Software engineers create a collection of tools called programming environments that can be used to quickly and advancedly write programs.

Software scientists apply a variety of methods, processes , techniques and measurement methods in engineering. They use different software development process management tools and materials, analysis and modeling of different parts of software, quality verification and control, ensuring software evolution and reuse, etc.They also work to verify and select which tool types, methods , and approaches are most applicable in software development. Software engineering is a must in all areas where professionalism, quality, schedule and cost are of prime importance in the development of computer applications.

Database and data retrieval systems

This section focuses on how to organize large amounts of sustainable and shared data so that they can be efficiently utilized and updated. A database is a collection of multiple records which can be searched and updated in a number of different ways.

An information retrieval system refers to a collection of documents that are not specifically formatted, but contain a variety of information, such as the amount of a number of articles published in a journal. Computer scientists develop algorithms for extracting data from such documents. Once the schedule is compiled, different techniques are applied to bring data and information easily from them.Another field of data mining is data mining, where different patterns are identified from a large amount of data; later, these formats identified help to make different decisions in the relevant area.

Theories applied to the study of databases and induction systems include relational algebra, relational calculus, theory of competition, serial transaction and prevention of serial lockouts. ), time-synchronized updating, rule-based inference, sorting, searching, indexing, performance analysis , performance data privacy) And user information authentication.

Different data models are used to understand the logical data structure and the relationship between various data components such as-object-based, record-based, and object-related.

Institutional Information Science

The topics of institutional informatics are information systems which help in the organization's work process and in mutual understanding between the organization's employees. Using information systems in any commercial organization is crucial to global market success.

Given that people do institutional work, a deep idea of how people work when designing information systems is needed. On the other hand, different computer science theories can help in the process of streamlining the institutions. Science of decision making, management , marketing, anthropology, perceptual science , psychology, institutional dynamics and so on.Any help in understanding human behavior at work, and most of these theories are used to make predictions using computer paradigms, abstractions and disguises.


Bioinformatics is a new interdisciplinary, computer science and biology field. In this field, scientists are working on paradigms and architectures that might revolutionize computing, biology and medicine. Problems with the cluster were solved using DNA chemistry.A huge database of the human genome project was found using the string analyzer algorithm, and the entire human genome was found in a combination of different fragments.

Computer architects and doctors collaborate to create a variety of artificial bio mechanics or bionic organs. In gene engineering the exact chemical composition of prophylactic enzymes is extracted using computer analysis. Even new types of biological memory are now being studied, with more storage capacity than computer memory many times greater.

Artificial intelligence

A topic of discussion in the field of artificial intelligence is how human intelligence and the workings of the senses can be simulated with the help of computers and instruments. In this branch computer models of human behavior are created to further improve our intelligence concept.

Artificial intelligence's various sub-disciplines include machine learning, inference, cognition, representation of knowledge, problem solving, case-based reasoning, and normal understanding of the language. (An understanding of natural language), speech recognition, computer vision, artificial neural network, etc.


Robotics is the science of designing and producing robots or computer-controlled equipment. Toy robots or automated production systems for products used in factories are all part of robotics. One of the purposes of building a robot is to relieve people from repetitive, dangerous and hard work, and get them to do things that require speed , accuracy and cleanliness.

Robotic scientists are studying determining the physical characteristics of robots, modeling the working environment of the robot, determining how robots work, increasing the efficiency of robotic mechanics, robot behavior and human safety, and so on.

They write programs for the robot controller, try to figure out how to simplify the program and provide feedback by using sensors to the controller program. They are also studying how robots can simulate humans' ability to perform and adapt to the environment, and working closely with artificial intelligence researchers.

Computer graphics

The study of a computer's display of physical and imaginary objects and their movement on a two-dimensional screen or 3-dimensional hologram is called computer graphics. How to automate the images of objects efficiently, how to display complex objects on a moving screen in real time, how to display data sets to facilitate human understanding,How to create disguises that are hard to discern from the real, Etc. This branch subject.

In the field of mathematical geometry computer graphics is a great aid. This branch aims to innovate new algorithms on how to project objects onto the display screen, how to remove hidden lines from the projection, how to create smoothness, shadow, reflection and clarity, etc. The chaos theory is used for imitating complex landscapes. With the help of color theory the color theory is used.Clean images are created using the sampling theory to remove undesirable noise. All these are useful in computer graphics, in addition to linear algebra, physics, mathematical analysis, and nonlinear systems.

The monitor screen can show both images or alphanumeric characters. Usually any image can be stored in two ways in computer memory: roster graphics, and vector graphics. Any image is treated as a multipoint matrix in raster graphics. Each point's colour, brightness and other information is stored in memory in one or more bits format.Specialized algorithms are used in computer graphics specialist programs to make efficient use of the enormous amount of memory needed for each image. In vector graphics, the sum of many lines is considered an image. Each info line is stored in memory. Since the 1990s, roaster technology has been employed in computer monitoring.Even vector-created images are converted to raster. The limitation of the method of rostering is that it shows angular line grooves.

The use of computer graphics is most frequently seen in the entertainment sector. The contributions of this branch of informatics science are special effects, computer animation, disguise, etc. Computer graphics study has given birth to a series of graphics standards, such as GKS, PHIGS, VDI, etc. There are also standard languages for printers, such as PostScript.Standard language VRML was created on web pages to create unrealistic realities. A three-dimensional visualizer designed to be of assistance to doctors.

Human-computer interaction

In the name of human-computer interaction, principles for designing , constructing, and evaluating software that is easily accessible to humans are discussed, based on how humans interact with interactive objects. These include the design of computer-user-to - user graphical interfaces (GUIs), multimedia interactions,Recognition of speech and other means based on artificial intelligence, communication and collaboration via computer networks etc.

Computational science

Since the early days of computer science, the various techniques and computational methods of scientific computing have been a big part of computer science research. Over time the importance and breadth of this field has increased as computers have become more able to solve problems.

Although there is now recognition of scientific computing as a separate discipline, its relationship with computer science is very close. Computer scientists interested in computational science are studying a variety of important concepts and techniques, including numerical representation accuracy, error analysis, numerical techniques, parallel architecture and algorithms;Simulation and disguise, and the visualisation of science. They apply this knowledge to different practical fields such as molecular dynamics, flowing mechanics, astronomical mechanics, economic forecasting, problems of optimization, material structural analysis, biophysics, computational biology, geological paradigm, computerization.

The Computer Science topics studied include:

  • Numerical analysis: arithmetic floating-point or floating-point; error, stability, convergence; style of Taylor, method of Newton; curve fitting, approximation of function; numerical inference and addition, law of Simpson; method of Euler; algebra of Yoga; infinite difference.
  • Operations Research: Coherent programming, integer programming, simplex methods; probabilistic modeling; Qing theory, Petri net, Markov idol and chain; analysis of decision optimization, forecasting, risk management, sensitivity analysis; dynamic programming.
  • Iconography and disguise: random numbers, pseudo-number creation and testing, Monte Carlo method, distribution function; disguise isolated-event, uninterrupted disguise; verify and validate disguise.
  • High-efficiency computing: architecture of processors, memory systems, pipelines, parallel languages and architecture; scientific visualization, formatting of data, results presentation, visualization tools.

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