Harmful Mosquito Coils
mosquito coils

Harmful Mosquito Coils | Most of the mosquito coils offered on the Bangladesh market contain a variety of chemicals that are extremely harmful to the human body. According to the Daily Struggle study, several high levels of mosquito coils have been identified in Bangladesh's mosquito coils, where the World Health Organization has allowed the use of active chemicals up to a maximum of three stages.Such coils from 20 firms have recently been checked at a research institute in Singapore. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been shown to have recommended amounts of coils, but in fact, out of the 20 coils, chemicals are very small. As a result, bugs, cockroaches and other insects, like flies, are dying in smoke. The damage to the human body is enormous.

It should be noted that the use of chemicals to the extent allowed by the World Health Organization does not cause the death of any pest. That amount of chemical just drives away various pests, including mosquitoes. As a result, people are saved from mosquito bites but no harm to human body. On the other hand, companies in Bangladesh are using such high levels of chemicals in their coils that pests are not only causing death, but also causing irreparable harm to the human body. It should be noted that countries like India and Thailand have allowed the use of only pesticides called alethrin and pyrethrin in mosquito coils. But the coils of Bangladesh also contain alethrin and pyrethrin, as well as six types of harmful substances called D-alethrin, D-trans-alethrin, S-alethrin and metofluorthrin. The harmful poison of S-Biothrin is also used indiscriminately. For these companies or companies have the permission of the appropriate authorities!

The Daily Struggle reports that these coils are being sold in the open market and people are using them daily because the government and any authorities do not take preventive measures. As a result, they are suffering from various diseases in the long term. The report also mentions that the mosquito coils are doing more damage than the one hundred cigarettes that damage lungs in one night. Chemical ingredients used in coal are as dangerous as arsenic and formalin and can cause serious cancer types in the long run.

The Daily Struggle report also revealed two shocking facts. The first information is that more than 150 companies are selling and selling mosquito coils in Bangladesh, but of these, only 5 companies have got the approval of the Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution or BSTI. That is, more than a hundred firms are unlawfully manufacturing and exporting mosquito coils. The second alarming point is that no government agency is aware of companies engaged in illegal activities. As BSTI officials say, it is their duty to check and track the quality of products manufactured by different companies.

On the other hand, the investment boards and the agricultural extension departments that have the power to approve are not doing the necessary oversight. On the one hand, more than 150 companies have been seamlessly producing and selling mosquito coils on the one hand, while on the other side a class of unscrupulous and profitable traders are importing harmful coils from different countries including China. The main reason for the objection is that the seal of approval of BSTI has been sealed on the wrap of each mosquito coil, which, it seems, has been followed by proper procedure and the approval of the quality controlling company after production. As a result, ordinary people are being deceived.

Suffice it to say, the situation has deteriorated so drastically with the opportunity of indifference to the responsible institutions of the government, including the Investment Board and BSTI. In fact, there are serious claims of bribery and corruption. Because, for years, fools will not believe that any organization has been aware of the sale of mosquito coils that have been banned for years. That is, everything is wisely going on with the authorities, but they pretend not to look because of bribery.

We do not think that such a situation can be allowed to continue. The government has to take strict disciplinary action against the coal companies.The government must also arrange for every company to use chemical ingredients within the prescribed levels of the World Health Organization. That is why BSTI needs to be taken up. The Investment Board should also be careful not to authorize any company to manufacture and sell mosquito coils, especially without consulting BSTI. At the same time, we call for regular sanitation in each area to prevent mosquitoes, so that mosquitoes are not born and spread, and people do not have to buy and use coils for these toxins and health.

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